Our Pledge
Its great being able to enjoy the outdoors and pass that knowledge to others, but is that enough?
Very early on in our outdoor lives we realised there is only so much we can take from the outdoors before we need to put something back.
Since RedOakBushcrafts embryonic start in 2018 we have pledged, each year, to plant a tree for every course or session we run. In 2018 that was only 20, but that has grown each year.
Our pledge is for all courses we run, not just based in our home woodland as we run many courses for organisations at their own sites.
As the woodland we use is owned by Forestry England we work with local schools or centres to plant our trees to enhance the environment with local children and, hopefully, help to educate them on the importance of trees not only from an environmental point of view but also our own mental health and well being, something we are passionate about promoting.
Our trees are locally sourced from British stock plus we have started growing from seed to ensure biosecurity of not, potentially, importing trees which will also reduce their impact from being shipped around the world.
If you know of a school local to the Peak District National Park that has space for trees please get in touch, we want to work with you to enhance our planting and the educational benefits which can be had.
To try and reduce our impact further, albeit in a small way, we also ensure that the liquid soap, hand sanitiser and washing up liquid we use on courses is environmentally friendly and from a refill shop.
Every little helps!