Simple Campfire Bread Twists
Simple Campfire Bread ‘Twists’
Plain Flour
Baking Soda, or baking powder
Warm water
Greenwood sticks, around thumb thickness, as straight as possible. Willow or Birch are ideal as they are non toxic woods.
Scrape the bark of the top 30cm / 12 inches and heat it over the fire to scorch and dry the end, this will help your bread stay on. A sappy wet green stick can be really hard work. Point up the other end of the stick so you can stick in the ground.
For each twist you will need a couple of handfuls of flour, a good pinch of salt and a teaspoon handle of baking soda, if your using baking powder double the amount.
Either mix the dry ingredients in a bowl or a freezer bag then a a bit of warm water and mix. Keep adding a little water until you have a nice firm dough. Don’t over do it and make it to sticky but if you do just add little more flour.
Roll your dough out into a sausage about thumb thickness and then wind it around the scrapped end of the stick (beware the stick will be hot). Try to wind it fairly snuggly and pinch the ends on to the rest of the dough to hold it in place (a dab of water can help it adhere).
Stick the pointed end of your green stick into the ground at an angle so your bread end is over the fire embers and rotate occasionally until its nice and brown all over and firm to the touch at this point it should be cooked through.
Once removed, careful it will be hot, you can fill it with jam or chocolate spread for a sweet treat or for a savoury addition wild garlic butter or squeezy cheese.
Your fire needs to have a bed of good embers to bake your bread evenly, flames will just scorch and burn it. Get your fire going well before you want to bake so your embers will be ready. Possibly have two parts to your fire, one where you can burn wood to create embers then move them across to where your are baking (it can be the same fire place).
You can add things like poppy or nettle seeds to your dough just like any other bread, mix them in at the dry ingredients stage.
Obviously this recipe is not gluten free, we are currently working on a recipe for gluten free bread twists that works and is tasty, currently the issue is making it firm enough to hold onto a stick. Please bear with us!