Nettle Cordial

Nettle Cordial


200g (ish) freshly picked nettle tops

1kg natural unrefined sugar or normal granulated sugar (unrefined is better for you but gives a slightly darker colour to the cordial)

40g citric acid (32 tbsp lemon juice).

500ml water

Sterile glass bottles with tops, either screw or cork


1.    Put the sugar, citric acid and water in a pan and heat to around 60c stirring to dissolve the sugar.

Its important to not overheat or the nettles will turn brown and the cordial will be a darker colour.

2.    Put the nettle tops in a large bowl and pour the water mixture over and give it a good stir

3.    Leave the mixture with a tea towel over it for a week, stirring it everyday.

4.    After a week you should have a lovely pinky colour to the water.

5.    Strain the liquid through a colander and bottle.


The sugar soaked nettle tops can be used to make a delicious & nutritious fruit leather


Simple Campfire Bread Twists


Nettle Fruit Leather