Introduction to Bushcraft
Step out into the woods and create some memories while learning new skills on this Introduction to Bushcraft Day.
Course Description
A real adventure which will introduce you to many bushcraft skills. A great way to experience the great outdoors while learning.
This course will introduce you to the main skills you would require to survive and leave you with a good understanding which, if you wanted to, can be taken further to increase your depth of knowledge and ability.
As most things in the outdoors take longer than expected we will be working in groups to ensure topics can be covered efficiently.
Subjects Covered:
Natural surroundings: and interpreting them, the differences between woodlands, how they grow and respond to different weather conditions.
Shelter building: we will discuss safe siting of a shelter, using the woodland to and available resources to best effect and the safe construction of a couple of different styles of shelter which you can adapt to a range of scenarios all using natural materials .
Water: we will look at different sources of water, ways of collecting, filtering and purifying of water and then challenge you to make as clean as possible some water using natural materials.
Cordage: explore how our ancestors used natural materials to make cordage then get hands on making a length which you may find useful later in the day!
Camp gadgets: looking at simple, no tool, methods of suspending pots over your fire.
Fire lighting: we will look at how our ancestors made fire using the simplest of ‘tools’. Then we will move to more a more modern version before looking at a selection of suitable tinder's/kindling and creating a appropriate sized fire for boiling our pot of filtered water.
Friction firelight: finally we will round of the day with a demonstration then hands on use of the fire bow (bow drill) to create an ember then fire.
Suitable for:
This course is aimed at adults and accompanied mid / late teens.

Breathing life into a tinder bundle on our Introduction to Bushcraft course

Friction fire lighting using the fire bow or bow drill on our Introduction to Bushcraft course

A one person natural shelter made on our Introduction to Bushcraft course

A lean too natural shelter made on our Introduction to Bushcraft course

When friction fire lighting doesn't have to cause friction between couples :-)

A simple pot hanger made on our Introduction to Bushcraft Course

One person natural shelter on our Introduction to Bushcraft Course

Nettle drying to be used for natural cordage on our Introduction to Bushcraft course

A tinder bundle about to burst into flame on our Introduction to Bushcraft Course

Friends around a fire
Course Details
Location: Southern Peak District
Course Length: One Day
Start/End: 09:30-16:30
Max Course Size: 10
Price: £55
Course Dates
Click on the date to book your space: