Seasonal Wildfood Foraging & Cooking
Join us for a day of wild food, learn how to identify common plants or ‘weeds’, learn about their properties and then make some tasty food to share around the campfire.
Course Description
Come and join us for a day of learning about some of the commonly found wild foods available, what the benefits of them are either from a nutritional or medicinal point of view and, where appropriate, turn them in to something tasty.
Subjects Covered
The Law: What is the UK law regarding foraging of wild plants. We will also work to a foraging 'code of practice' that allows you to harvest but not deplete resources for wildlife and nature.
Nutrition: how wild plants are frequently highly nutritious and what their health benefits are, also the medicinal properties that we can harness which have been known and used for centuries.
Reading: we can advise on suitable books to work from to help with plant identification and will have some examples available to look through on the day.
Campfire Cooking: using the available bounty to produce delicious food and drinks. We will produce a highly nutritious and tasty soup for lunch which will be accompanied by simple campfire breads* and, for those that fancy, some woodland garlic butter freshly ‘churned’ at camp. Once lunch has been tidied we will look at some further culinary treats and drinks along with a simple salve which is good for bites, stings, cuts or just pain dry skin.
Involvement: a fully hands on day 😊
Bring: a plate, cutlery and mug, we will provide hot drinks throughout the day.
* there will be gluten free options available.
Any recipes used on the day will be available for you to take home and use again and again.
We will be running a course in spring and autumn to make use of the different trees, plants, berries & seeds that each season provides.
Wild Greens Pakora's sizzling on the open campfire.
Campfire cooking at its best.
Nettle soup cooking in the dutch oven with bread 'twists' baking over the campfire embers.
A busy campfire.
Stunning scenery for cooking.
Course Details
Location: Peak District
Course Length: One Day
Start/End: 09:30-16:30
Max Course Size: 8
Price: £70
Course Dates
Click on the date to book your space: