Primitive Fire Course
Join us in the woods to learn about how our ancestors made and harnessed fire using all natural materials.
Course Description
During this one day course students will learn a variety of primitive fire lighting techniques including flint and pyrite, bow drill and hand drill.
The course will focus on utilising natural materials for purposes such as fire ignition, ember extension/protection and travel incorporating natural slow matches and slow burning bundles.
Fungi will be the tinder used to catch a spark and extended the life of embers thus participants will learn where to source and how to prepare fungi prior to being ready to use.
Knowing how to properly make an effective tinder bundle is essential to this style of fire lighting thus participants will learn where to source materials and which are best suited to the specific method being used.
The overall aim is to have participants gain a basic understanding in sourcing bracket fungi, isolating tremor layer and preparation, tinder bundle making and lastly combine this knowledge to create fire from sparks using Flint and Iron Pyrite and embers from bow/hand drill.
You will be guided through the day by Peter or RedOakBushcrafts and Bill Souter, an expert in primitive skills.
Subjects Covered:
Flint & Marcasite/Iron Pyrite - why is it so useful, how to prepare and use.
Tinder bundles - suitable materials to use in a tinder bundle, the perpetration of it and then its use.
Fungi - which fungi, where to find it, how to prepare it and finally how to use it.
Friction - not arguing but the use of the hand drill or fire bow (bow drill) to create a smouldering ember to use with a tinder bundle.
Suitable for:
This course is aimed at adults and accompanied mid / late teens.

Flint and Marcasite to create sparks

An all natural tinder bundle ready for use.

The hand drill with its small ember.

Preparing a fungi for charring.

Hand drill used directly on a fungi.

Hand drill in use.

Getting down to the amadou layer for preparation.

Amadou ready for use.

Working amadou to make it soft and pliant.

More fungus!
Course Details
Location: Southern Peak District
Course Length: One Day
Start/End: 09:30-16:30
Max Course Size: 8
Price: £65
Course Dates
Click on the date to book your space: